This Day In Fractured Fairfax:February 8
- February 8, 1950 – The Alexandria Water Company puts Lake Barcroft, its 114 acre reservoir near Falls Church, and the 566 surrounding acres up for sale.
- February 8, 1951 – 8-year-old John Cordwell is killed when his sled slides under a truck driven by 24-year-old Malcolm Wilmer, Jr. at the intersection of Dunmanton Boulevard and Lynwood Street in Alexandria.
- February 8, 1960 – 49-year-old Elizabeth V. Nutter is found guilty of second-degree murder by Judge Paul E. Brown for shooting her husband Dale in the back of the head while he slept in their home at 516 Waterway Drive in Lake Barcroft on June 25, 1959.
- February 8, 1964 – 75-year-old Mary E. Martin is killed in Alexandria by 18-year-old Gary Green as she walks along Franconia Road and Green strikes her with his car.
- February 8, 1996 – 26-year-old Manuel Rocha stops by his girlfriend's house in Fairfax and kills her 29-year-old estranged husband Jose C. Martins with a shotgun, then commits suicide.
This Day In Fractured Fairfax